Sunday, April 15, 2012


WE ARE mONEtarily guided with my hypocrisy over flowing. My life is self indulging and I fit as well as you do in this place. If my life is meant, then yours is too, but we maintain misdirected. As if a person in 7,000,000,000 is any different from a drop of water in the sea, a single blade of grass from acres, to one grain of sand at a beach. We are part of a whole and now at a pace considered normal, we are consuming the resources that sustain us and our environment. I am sure our parents, grandparents, families, brothers, sisters, would be disappointed to know we are all taking part, if they too were not just as blind as me, and with their hands in the same pot as mine. I beg help me please. We can change the pace. We can change this planet. I know that sounds outrageous, but it’s happening regardless of whether or not you awake from not knowing, or plain just sleep walk through life. Do not be fooled. We are nothing alone. Together we make change, impact. Simple change is change no less. We are in school every day of life, but you decide to learn from it or not. Our choice for all practicality of imagination is due to the surplus of goods at our control, and the struggle to keep it that way. Our lessons and understanding stare us in the face every morning we wake, especially when you ration why others do not have what you have, and why? With our social capabilities void of dreaming a new beginning, we fight for unrealistic consumerism and call it individualism. The progress to a more advanced understanding is well beyond this form of social involvement. We must understand our patterns and realize that it is being controlled by a mass group of sleep walking people, with our hands in the pot too. The cities that have been built are an example of our fortitude to work together. Immense, we forget that the power is in our hands. It is the power that pushes buttons, and the power that pulls triggers. I am hoping we find another solution besides the two we have been sticking with over the eons, killing each other, or letting nature do it.