Do our lifestyles accommodate our consumer products, or do the consumer products accommodate our lifestyles? Technologies are advancing, yet certain ones aren’t. We understand motive, at the very least, the incentive, after seeing that some of these discoveries are held back for the way some things are in place now. Who should control that? There is time when progress for our civilization is going to be needed, and not for profit, but for our civilizations advancement in facing survival. These new products and new ways will never be seen in our current standard of practice, not until some profit can be made by a business, and that profit being more advantageous than the last product of influence provided. These ways need to be addressed alarmingly. When our ways start to revolve around these specific products, then life itself begins to revolve around these products being produced. Even when we escape we are using these products provided to do so. In demand, very few no longer provide the make shift or craftsmen abilities for ourselves. The life lived now is dependent and unobtainable without a paid or exploited group effort from people making these things. Even the homeless that have no means of money live through these products. The fact is we think we need these products to live, which some (most) may in fact need, has made our lifestyle dependent on the people making available and providing these products. We are not as free as we think, unless we can free ourselves from these products. This cannot happen all at once. All involved we chip into what we think needs to be done, for our way of life, whether these ways of life are now being controlled in our best interest or not we need to start realizing the direction. Does it look like we have our best interest in mind?

Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
An Unknowing Push to Live Blindly
We must progress, and not create a need to consume. Which is the real issue; it drives our fabricated success, the value of manufactured resources that are un-sustainably being placed in our hands. Greed is ruling our lives, and life is wasted chasing unreal dreams that have to be bought and sold. Sadly, if the funds are there it’s enough to become paralyzed by the distractions. We’ve become so off path our visions have become twisted by financial freedom. Even our society's most worthy people, in positions of saving lives, are subject to this denial of individual impact. A doctor, a fire fighter, a police officer, governmental employees, teachers, judges, lawyers, moms and dads,, all of us are off setting efforts of helping in this world by spewing these toxins from our own cars, chemically grown foods we buy, store bought plastics, cleaning supplies, along with dumping all of our life’s trash into landfills, that will end up poisoning and giving sickness to hundreds if not thousands more, consequently damaging the eco-system that supports us, our health and our world. We have made it a point to live our lives this way. We are all part. Our education has lost its alarming importance and needs to be improved, yet we cut our teachers jobs and the curriculum that could improve this situation. Why? Our kids need to be loved and cared for, yet we ignore their need for a better way of life and upbringing. Why? Our population never seems to be under control or in line with our resources. Why? Our food is of the utmost value for us to survive, yet we continue to poison the dirt we grow it in. If the condition of the world we are now in, is a result from the way we continue to live, can we then agree something has to be done?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Our Vision
Listening to voices of experience, watching the demonstrations made for example, reading the words of people with great anticipation for our future outcome, the more convinced I am we are all part of these visions of warning and interpretation of what will come. My mind is forced to put down the fight of unacceptable human behavior and reason for how we live. There are undeniable teachers that express humanity and compassion for our existence. What should stop, what should start, what will we continue to do? I wonder where I fit in. Do the people around me know that they too are part? Do they know where they fit in? Is it true that many have followed the few and continue? I am led by the men and women of history that knew it took only one person to show or give all who would listen a message of hope, a new understanding of the world, this being Science or Religion, and this would change lives forever.War/Disease/Famine/Natural Disaster. The people that realized it was about knowledge and personal example led strong enough to root this feeling in men surrounded by times of great desperation, suffering, and starvation. There were also the others that led for greed and profit, against all who opposed and even the peaceful ones who didn’t, to ignore the complicating social challenges being faced, these ways too were rooted in men. Who are these people that have given us warning from experience and words of truth that give courage for accepting what must be done, against popular belief, common exception, and most likely not being able to succeed, even in the face of death… or the others that give us impression to risk it all at the expense of others, themselves, family, friends, relationships, and anything else that can benefit them in the moment, regardless of life or support given. We must become aware of whom we lead or follow, and the mass most definitely will, but in which way; a sheer terror of individual struggle to live, or a progressive unification for a common need of survival?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Some we need to listen to
It might be a familiar progression, transpiring on many worlds- a planet, newly formed, placidly revolves around it's star; life slowly forms; a kaleidoscope procession of creatures evolves; intelligence then emerges which, at least up to a point, confers enormous survival value; and then technology is invented. It dawns on them that there are such things as laws of Nature, that these laws can be revealed by experiment, and that knowledge of these laws can be made both to save and to take lives, both on unprecedented scales. Science, they recognize, grants immense powers. In a flash, they create world-altering contrivances. Some planetary civilizations see their way through, place limits on what may and what must not be done, and safely pass through the time of perils. Others, not so lucky or so prudent, perish.
- Carl Sagan
Pale Blue Dot
- Carl Sagan
Pale Blue Dot
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Life's Lesson
I heard a story.
The story is about a grandmother and child. They often play a game that the grandmother is very well skilled at. She wins almost every time. The child becomes very good at the game, and begins to beat the grandmother in time. As the years pass they play very much, and always against each other if they can. The point of this game was to get as much as you could until there was nothing left for you or for the others to have. The game was played fierce with all types of moral and ethics. No matter what... the game would always end. That was the way it was made. So every time the game was over, every piece acquired, all the fake money received, every move made, the time spent for each space on the board and object earned, patience for a chance to have it all...the dreams of everything... would eventually come to and end. So, even if you did win... you only did for so long... and then everything was placed back in the box. The child was now learning the game. Though still never understood why the game took so long at times, the excitement ended so quickly, and when it did, everything went back to the box so fast. If the child wanted to play again, she surely would play, she has before, and will again, but before the child can ask, she sees his disappointment and says to the child, 'The point is to learn the game better while you're playing together, make all the best choices you can with the pieces you were given, and before it's over enjoy the time spent, and then it all goes back to the box.'
The story is about a grandmother and child. They often play a game that the grandmother is very well skilled at. She wins almost every time. The child becomes very good at the game, and begins to beat the grandmother in time. As the years pass they play very much, and always against each other if they can. The point of this game was to get as much as you could until there was nothing left for you or for the others to have. The game was played fierce with all types of moral and ethics. No matter what... the game would always end. That was the way it was made. So every time the game was over, every piece acquired, all the fake money received, every move made, the time spent for each space on the board and object earned, patience for a chance to have it all...the dreams of everything... would eventually come to and end. So, even if you did win... you only did for so long... and then everything was placed back in the box. The child was now learning the game. Though still never understood why the game took so long at times, the excitement ended so quickly, and when it did, everything went back to the box so fast. If the child wanted to play again, she surely would play, she has before, and will again, but before the child can ask, she sees his disappointment and says to the child, 'The point is to learn the game better while you're playing together, make all the best choices you can with the pieces you were given, and before it's over enjoy the time spent, and then it all goes back to the box.'
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