I heard a story.
The story is about a grandmother and child. They often play a game that the grandmother is very well skilled at. She wins almost every time. The child becomes very good at the game, and begins to beat the grandmother in time. As the years pass they play very much, and always against each other if they can. The point of this game was to get as much as you could until there was nothing left for you or for the others to have. The game was played fierce with all types of moral and ethics. No matter what... the game would always end. That was the way it was made. So every time the game was over, every piece acquired, all the fake money received, every move made, the time spent for each space on the board and object earned, patience for a chance to have it all...the dreams of everything... would eventually come to and end. So, even if you did win... you only did for so long... and then everything was placed back in the box. The child was now learning the game. Though still never understood why the game took so long at times, the excitement ended so quickly, and when it did, everything went back to the box so fast. If the child wanted to play again, she surely would play, she has before, and will again, but before the child can ask, she sees his disappointment and says to the child, 'The point is to learn the game better while you're playing together, make all the best choices you can with the pieces you were given, and before it's over enjoy the time spent, and then it all goes back to the box.'
This is such a good metaphor describing life's lessons. It shames me to think that there once was, and still are times that I deny the guidance of the wise. Time and experience have so many lessons to offer. Each new day is a new opportunity to grow better, to learn from each other and to learn from ourselves...